



Physie is the perfect combination of dance and sport for girls and women of all ages. Our innovative choreography changes annually and is designed for maximum variety and fun. Movements are designed to increase strength, fitness, coordination and flexibility. Physie is a dance sport that fuses dance styles such as jazz, ballet, hip-hop, contemporary, aerobic dance and even yoga all performed to a fun, modern soundtrack.


BJP Physie has been established in Australia for 120 years, with some 150 clubs running across the country.


Beginners are always welcome at our classes! All routines are built upon as the year progresses, culminating in group and individual performances at the end of the year. The performances are a highlight for all girls and ladies, and are a great way to develop confidence, performance skills and teamwork.


From tiny dancers to ladies, Physie will be the highlight of your week for years to come. Come and try a class today!



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